Monday, January 2, 2017

Free Speech Under Attack

One of the fundamental principles of a democratic society is the right to free speech. This right can be abridged in many ways. For example, one favorite tactic is to shout down speakers that voice opinions that are unpopular with certain groups. This happens at political rallies and is more prevalent on college campuses where conservative speakers are customarily harassed. But there is a more insidious form of harassment occurring... on social media.

 David Seaman is a recognized journalist, formerly with the Huffington Post as well as other publications. He has been one of the most intrepid investigators of the criminal activity generally known as Pizzagate. Although this term is currently being filtered, the activity persists- as does the investigation. The MSM has not only missed the bus, they have been complicit in covering up the crimes. The only unbiased means of disseminating information has been social media, but unfortunately, they have chosen to engage in the coverup. Not overtly, by censoring, but surreptitiously by freezing Mr. Seaman's PayPal account. And he is not alone. Reality Calls, another intrepid investigator is being silenced by Youtube by having her account suspended. It is critical that the free exchange of information be preserved... otherwise, there is no free society. All we will be left with will be the state-run MSM that just parrots what the leaders tell them. Please share this video and show your support to David and others like him.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Latest Fake News: Russians Hack Vermont's Power Grid

In response to the Washington Post's latest attack on "Russian hackers" I had to write this. As the video clearly points out, a nuclear bomb released from high enough would disable the entire U.S. power grid. They have had this capability from as early as 2008. If the Russians wanted to use this technology, they would have most likely done so, given the Obama administration's open hostility. But, the Russians aren't the enemy in this is rogue states such as North Korea and particularly Iran.

In 2013 a N. Korean ship was stopped and searched off the coast of Panama. In it were SA (Surface to Air) missiles capable of carrying a nuclear payload over central America. N. Korea may well have nuclear capability by now and the delivery system which operates from a cargo ship doesn't even have to enter U.S. waters to be a threat.

The Obama administration has given money and nuclear capability to Iran. As the next video shows, Iran will indeed use this technology when given the opportunity. The video also shows that it could have been prevented in 2010 when the House of Representatives passed a bill unanimously only to be defeated by Sen. Lisa Murkowski in the Senate, in favor of a "green energy" bill. The House bill would have presented a defense for the power grid against solar flares and EMP's (ElectroMagnetic Pulse) weapons.

The Washington Post's phoney article serves only to fuel hysteria against the Russians so that Obama can attempt some 11th hour chicanery on his way out the door. Don't fall for it. If Russia wanted to hack a power grid would they really choose Vermont? Give me a break!